
Since its foundation, Sogo Design has worked to meet its clients’ needs,
developing a network as well as cultivating the creative and technical strengths needed to create highly specialized spaces.

We believe our work involves not simply the creation of a space, but
adding great value to a space, giving people the gift of dreams and
emotions, and creating new values and culture. In the future, in addition
to refined technical skills – so-called hard skills – the creation of space
needs greater vision – that is to say, soft skills.

In support of this idea, with Sogo Design’s hard skills at its core, we are
consolidating our national network more than ever before. And together
with the creation of our global network of overseas bases, rather than
being led by our clients’ needs, we want to envision and create new

And what ties all of this together is people. We value interpersonal
relationships and aim to continue to be an enterprise on which you can rely.

copyright SOGO DESIGN Co., Ltd.